中国水产门户网报道 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一个小男孩4岁时在游乐场赢了一只小金鱼,谁都未曾料想它会活很久;可是这个小男孩保罗·帕默今年已经28岁了,他从纽卡斯尔游乐会上带回家的仅1英寸长的小金鱼却依然活着,而且很健康。
When a four-year-old boy won a tiny goldfish at a fairground, no one expected it to live for very long, the DailyMail reported. But Paul Palmer is now 28 yearsold, and the one-inch tiddler he brought home from Newcastle’s Hoppings fair is still alive and well.
Sharky has just celebrated his 24th birthday。
What’s more, one goldfish year isequal to five human years, meaning Sharky has been around for the equivalent of a century。
Palmer said: "He’s had a charmedlife because mum actually put him down the toilet once thinking he was dead but he swam back up the U-bend."