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发布时间:2012/11/26 10:18:02  来源:中国水产门户网  编辑:吴佩佩  我来说两句我来说两句(1)


“Continuing offering good quality products for the industry”, said Johannes, the new leader of GenoMar in Hainan 

     2012年,整个中国罗非鱼行业陷入了寒冬季节,出口量虽涨但单价跌,加工厂处亏损状态,鱼价低迷难反弹,打击农户养殖信心,种苗、饲料商生产量及销售量大幅下降,海南吉诺玛公司同样不出意外受到了冲击。此时适逢海南吉诺玛中国公司总裁王善康先生到了退休年龄,不再做公司总裁,新总裁由约翰先生来担任。对于这位来自北欧的新掌门人,他对于中国罗非鱼产业出路以及对公司发展有哪些看法?近期,中国水产门户网就相关问题采访了约翰先生。 (The year 2012 had seen the coldest downturn in China’s tilapia industry. Despite the expansion on export, the unit price is declining during the period results in financial loss for many processing plants. Furthermore, little signs had indicated a price rebound, as a result, culturists’ confidence was harmed, and total production of both feed and seed had decreased in large scale. GenoMar in Hainan was definitely impacted by the ongoing status. At the moment, John took the place of the former CEO of GenoMarchina, Mr. Wang Shankang, who just released to his retirement. Based on the recent situations that China’s tilapia industries are facing, what are the viewpoints on developing directions and future prospects from this new leader from north Europe? A recent interview was conducted by BBWFISH.)

Johannes Hermannsson 



    中国水产门户网:约翰先生,请谈谈您的水产从业经历。(BBWFISH: How do you got involved in Fishery?  )
    John:我出生在冰岛的一个小渔村,父亲是渔村学校的校长,同时也拥有渔船,从这时起就开始接触了渔业行业,我的专业是渔业工程,学习过渔业科学、贸易等,所受的教育和经历基本上离不开渔业和水产行业。( Johannes: I was born in a fishing village in Iceland, my father was a school headmaster and owned a fishing boat. Fishing with my father was my first experience of seafood and that shaped my career, working in seafood business and seafood related. Most of my education degrees are linked to seafood, in fishing, processing and trading. )

    中国水产门户网:您是在什么时候和什么情况下出任海南吉诺玛中国公司总裁? (BBWFISH: When and why did you accept the position at GenoMar Hainan? )
    John:大概在今年7月份,我开始和吉诺玛公司有一些合作,由此介入吉诺玛公司,并且在近期内就任海南吉诺玛中国公司总裁。由于之前我正在吉诺玛公司内部的另一个岗位工作,正好原来吉诺玛海南公司总裁在几个月前退休了,所以由我来接手他的工作。 (Johannes: I have recently accepted the position of CEO of Genomar China, when the former CEO reached age of retirement. I have known the company for longer time and earlier this year I was working for it as a consultant.  )

    中国水产门户网:一直以来吉诺玛都非常重视在罗非鱼基因(性状)选育上的投入,由于今年鱼价低迷、养殖投苗量下降、鱼苗销售受阻。这些不利因素是否会影响你们的选育工作? (BBWFISH: This is the very winter season for China’s tilapia industry, average stocking rate goes down, what are the impacts for you?  )
     John:的确是有影响。但目前影响还不是很大,我也将密切地关注这个行业的变化,如果行业越做越小,那么对公司肯定不利。客户购买吉诺玛鱼苗,养出成品鱼都是由加工厂收购,主要加工厂有订单,那么证明市场就有需求,我们也不要过于担心。 (Johannes: Of course this impacts us, our income is lower and costs are increasing. Although the impact is not big this we have to be careful. We will follow the industry and our fingerlings are welcomed by farmers, especially those who are working with processing companies. It is our goal to continue to be a ‘solution provider’ to China´s tilapia industry through the supply of high quality fast growing, robust, favorable FCR and superior fillet yield fingerlings.  )  

    中国水产门户网:前一段国内外媒体报道中国罗非鱼是在非常不洁的环境中长大,作为一个外国人,您能发表一下对中国水产养殖模式的看法和对罗非鱼产品的印象吗? (BBWFISH: There were some negative news reports saying that China’s tilapia were fed on manure, what are your impressions and point of view?  )

     对于中国罗非鱼产业而言,我认为行业中有领导力的大企业要逐步转变观念,使养殖从一个粗放型的增长发展转向高效、精细管理的增长发展模式。因为我是学习工程专业,从工程师角度来看,我看重的是产品生产流程有严格、全程的控制。养鱼也是这个道理,如果养殖场是处于开放的状态,那么出太阳、下雨或者发生别的变化,都会引起养殖环境发生很大的变化,而养殖户没有任何控制的措施,这是非常不安全的。对于鱼类来说,它的生长环境必须是可控的,可控的环境才能保证产品的质量。行业和企业家们要有转变的意识,粗放管理的模式不是可持续的。 (Johannes: I visited a small tilapia farm shortly after I came first to China. I was surprised, I had never seen this before and I did not understand the benefit for the farmer. You may find media willing to publish negative news that shock people and this is easy to use, to create negative image of the industry and shock people. The image of the industry has to be good so the industry can enjoy better price for the products.
    During the last few years the tilapia industry has developed a lot, especially the processing. Efficiency has increased, throughput has increased and unit cost is getting lower. My opinion and engineering thinking is that farming will sooner or later have to undergo similar changes. Then the manure fertilized ponds will also become not so common anymore. )

      中国水产门户网:您认为目前中国罗非鱼产业低迷的因素有哪些?中国罗非鱼产业出路在哪?比如通过产品认证标准(如ASC)会不会有帮助? (BBWFISH: What will be the way to get out from this bad situation, and whatyou’re your opinions on certification?  )
      John:我认为认证是绝对有帮助的,但不要把它当成能马上解决问题的捷径,认证是长期的持之以恒的过程。比如刚才强调的必须要对生产过程做到可控是有关联的,认证实际上能更好地帮助控制生产过程、监控生产环节。中国企业如果希望认证能够带来回报、利益,那么就得老老实实、从头到尾按照认证的要求来做,而这个过程也不可能在一夜之间完成,那是需要漫长的过程来实现才达到目标,大家必须有充分心理准备来做这件事,这是我要提醒大家的。 (Johannes: I think the way out of difficult situation in tilapia industry will have to include several things. To mention a few I can talk about the development of domestic market in China, develop and improve the image of the industry as providing good quality tilapia as healthy safe food, improved productivity and efficiency in farming will be needed, development of value added products, etc.
My opinion about certification is that it is definitely helpful, it is not a quick fix to current situation, and certification is not a paper. It is usually the last step in climbing a long ladder and it goes hand in hand with internal improvements of a company. That is where the value for the company comes from. Sometimes certification is also required to have access to market. Through this process, Genomar China hope we could play a catalytic role to help improve China´s tilapia industry reputation as a responsible leading player in the global market. )

    中国水产门户网:做为罗非鱼苗种行业一员,吉诺玛自身需要做出哪些努力来适应行业发展? (BBWFISH: As one of the seed production member, what are your obligations in developing? )
    John:这是问题问得有点大了。吉诺玛在中国已经有10年了,一直为罗非鱼行业提供优质的种苗,今后也会继续这样做。但罗非鱼行业比较复杂,对于罗非鱼不同环节,大家的要求也各不相同,如加工厂要求出肉率高,而养殖户注重成活率,所以对于提供种苗的企业而言,就得尽量满足各方面的需求。我打个比方说玩骰子,骰子有不同的面,别人可能只在乎对自己重要的一面,但我们需要把各个面都要看清楚,就是提供最优质和全面的产品来为各个终端的利益链服务,我们会尽可能地实现这个目标。(Johannes: It is a big question. Genomar has been a stable supplier of good quality tilapia fingerlings. We recognize that “quality” may have different meaning for a processing company that concerned about fillet yield, compared to the farmer who is interested in survival rate and fast growth. We will consider and combine all those and other important aspects of quality in our development. We will continue to provide consistent quality product and services  to the industry. )

     中国水产门户网:中国有句俗话叫“新官上任三把火”,对于吉诺玛未来的发展,您有哪些新的改革举措? (BWWFISH: An old Chinese saying, new leaders always have ambition in the beginning, so what is your plans and measures? )
    John:这个问题留到下一次你采访我的时候来回答更好,因为我刚刚接手工作,还需要时间来了解公司和我的团队,然后才能回答你的问题。但首要的任务就是要保证公司的生意稳定,还有为中国提供更好的种苗。吉诺玛的创始人非常坚信罗非鱼能很好地为老百姓提供优质和平价的蛋白资源,这是整个公司的宗旨。我的工作就是要遵循这个宗旨来做。但具体操作方案还需要时间来考虑。 (Johannes: We believe that tilapia is a good nutritious foodfish protein source at affordable price There are historical indications that it has been a vital food in many parts of the world for over two thousand years  Our shareholders´vision and mission is to promote tilapia as Humanity´s sustainable foodfish of choice to help feed our hungry world in this century and beyond.



编辑:吴佩佩 访问人次:5836 关键字:吉诺玛,罗非鱼,  >> 更多资讯进入水产新闻网
  水产门户网网友 2012/11/26 11:20:37






















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